8 Ways to Reduce Commercial Utility Costs

August 18, 2021

Many businesses are viewing for ways to reduce their energy bills and reduce expenditures. In this blog post, we have compiled eight tips that can help mitigate these expenses without much effort on the part of the business owner. All business owners need to know how they can reduce spending and increase revenue through small changes in their daily routines.

Tip One: Reduce the temperature in your building. If you reduce the temperature in your building by two degrees, it can reduce energy usage and costs.

Tip Two: Install thermostats with setback features that allow for incremental changes throughout the day. It will reduce utility bills and save time because business owners will not have to remember setting their thermostat each morning before they leave or coming back from lunch break. These devices are designed so a single person can adjust them easily without disrupting workflow inside an office environment- typically, what happens if someone needs to come into an office over lunch break just to reset a device like this one.

Tip Three: Investigate alternatives such as solar panels and wind turbines on-site at your company’s location. It may reduce utility bills as well as reduce the carbon footprint of your company.

Tip Four: Turn off lights and other devices when they do not get used in an office space. It will reduce energy usage, thus reducing utility costs for the business owner.

Tip Five: Ensure that there are adequate natural lighting options available at all times inside an office building to reduce electric use from artificial light sources (i.e., fluorescent bulbs) during the day. Use overhangs outside buildings to help solar control exposure, so employees don’t need to crank up their thermostat settings while sitting inside waiting for bright sunlight to come through windows on a cloudy day.

Tip Six: Use natural airflow to reduce energy costs. Install vents in office spaces, ensure that they are always open, or install a ceiling fan for the same effect (i.e., don’t turn on an electric space heater).

Tip Seven: Consider installing more window space instead of adding additional electric light sources inside or outside an office building to reduce utility costs from artificial lighting fixtures. It might require some remodeling but could save money over time with less use of utilities such as electricity for lights and heating/cooling systems which generate high levels of CO emissions (e.g., natural gas).

Tip Eight: Build parking lots away from buildings so employees won’t need to walk long distances outdoors before entering into their work environment where they would need to be heated or cooled.

Have you seen any other ways to keep these costs under control? If not, then Energy Control System can help! Our team holds years of experience and knowledge with all kinds of businesses, from small start-ups to just starting to international corporations looking for new strategies that save money without sacrificing quality. Contact us today if you’re interested in reducing utility costs!