How to Reduce Utility Bills? Use These Energy Saving Tips!

February 26, 2021

HVAC systems consume more energy in any premises. The system’s energy efficiency significantly impacts energy consumption – something that can make a lot of difference in monthly overheads.

Lowering energy consumption has a lasting impact on the environment too for everyone’s benefit. Saving energy is not difficult, and a few small changes can result in significant energy savings, especially in the US.

Follow these energy saving tips to reduce your electricity utility bills.

It begins with an Energy Audit

What is the existing energy efficiency of your premises? Finding an answer to this question is the first step towards understanding what you need to improve. Mapping your usage will allow you to figure out where you can cut your energy usage.

For instance, ECS helps you to figure out monthly energy consumption vis-a-vis your bills. We identify the areas where the utility consumption is high and what needs to be improved for significant long-term savings.

Action items for cutting-down your energy costs

Use Natural Ventilation – Open windows let air flow across, which naturally cools home without switching on air-conditioners. During the spring season, when the temperature is mild, it is more effective.

Use Ceiling Fans – When the premises are cooled with ceiling fans, it can raise the thermostat setting by at-least 4-degrees. It can lower the electricity bill without compromising on comfort.

Install window treatments – The energy-efficient window treatment or coverings like blinds and films can slash heat gain when the temperature rises. Using window treatments improves aesthetics and drives down energy costs.

Close Air Leaks – Readily available sealants and adhesive bonds can seal the cracks and openings in premises while keeping warm air out and reducing the expenses.

Utilize Natural Light – During the daytime, switch off the artificial lights and open windows to use natural light.

Energy Control Systems provides effective solutions to reduce your HVACR utility bills up to 20%

Examine your existing appliances and energy consumption

Every device and appliance comes with additional costs; maintenance and operating costs. If the appliances and devices that have rendered 10 years in service, it is likely that the energy technology to power them has already improved significantly. So, it makes a lot of sense to update an outdated appliance and devices to replace them with energy-efficient ones.

Look for those appliances that come with the ENERGY STAR marks. These devices and appliances use advanced technology to ensure anywhere from 10 to 50 percent less energy usage as compared to standard appliances. Almost all electrical appliances come with this rating, so choose the most suitable one.

Have You Checked Maintenance of HVAC Systems?

A regular tune-up of the air conditioner is required to maintain it in the best condition. It keeps the HVAC unit running smoothly and efficiently and helps to save money on AC bills. Maintaining HVAC systems regularly also increases the unit’s efficiency and life of the system. Check the filter status as well. Regular tune-up keeps the system safe from expensive repairs. Also, make sure that the air-conditioners are installed in an optimum cooling location. If the outdoor unit of the air-conditioner is located at a place where it is directly exposed to the sunlight, its efficiency goes down.

Train and Educate the Users About Saving Energy!

Energy Controls System (ECS) can help you design a personalized energy savings plan. We bring US energy savings to thousands of clients through top-notch services. We can also train the users on how to save energy by efficiently operating the system.

Get in touch with us now!